pekingese dog breedpekingese dog breed

Today we will discuss about the Pekingese Dog Breed, which is a chinese breed and was also found in the imperial court of China in the ancient history. This dog is mainly found in the Chinese Territories.

Overview Of The Pekingese Dog Breed:

ColorsLight red, red brindle, black, fawn sable, black and tan, cream, fawn, gray sable, red, red sable, fawn brindle and white
Height6 to 9 Inches
Weight3 to 7 kilograms
Lifespan12 to 14 years
TemperamentLoyal, Loving, Intelligent, Affectionate, Stubborn and Headstrong
Suitable ForThose looking for a loyal companion, Seniors and families with grown children

The Chinese started breeding puppies so they looked like lions because they only had paintings of lions. With their small size, Pekingese looked more like the imagined creature than actual wild cats.

These cute tiny animals have greater ego compared to what they do. They are usually affectionate and loving. Their proud and snobby attitude gives a feeling that they are aware of their royal origin.

Quick Facts About Pekingese Dog Breed:

  • They are Double Coated
  • They are At Least 2,000 Years Old Breed
  • They first came to England During The Opium War in 1854

Scientific Classification Of Pekingese:

Common NamePekingese
Binomial NameCanis Lupus Familiaris
SubspeciesCanis Lupus Familiaris
SpeciesCanis Lupus
Some Other NamesLion Dog, Peking Palasthund, Sun Dog and Sleeve Dog
Pekingese Scientific Classification

Pekingese Breed Guide For Owners:

Pekingese Dog

If you decide to get one of these puppies, it is important to inform yourself to ensure you are ready for every scenario. Find out about their social skills, trainability, and lifespan. If you do this, you will be ready for what comes next.

One of the most loyal, friendly, and “regal” dog breeds in the globe is the Pekingese based on multiple sources. This breed which originated in Ancient China especially for companionship is still popular with families with children, single people and senior citizens today.

The responsibility which comes along with keeping this dog is taking care. They need to be groomed, given exercise and treated with love. They are loyal dogs who are willing to develop close relationships with their owners and take enjoyment in lots of fun. You may learn how to take care of Pekingese from the time when they’re pups till they become adults by reading the whole care guide given below.

History Of The Pekingese:

Pekingese Breed Pet Guide

The Pekingese also called as the Peke is an dog breed that came from China. According to historical sources, the first Pekingese was created by the selective breeding of several kinds of small (and very hairy) dogs of unknown origins around 2,000 years ago.

Early breeders tried to produce a breed that looked like a mix of a lion and a monkey. The Pekingese that we are familiar with today is an outcome of the work of love.

The Peke became popular with Chinese aristocracy and members of the Imperial Court. Aristocratic families depend on the Peke as a friend, even regulations restricting ownership to members of the Chinese Imperial Palace were developed. Because of these rules, the Pekingese did not become very popular till the Second Opium War in 1854.

Captain John Hart Dunne, a British military officer found a lone Pekingese during a joint Anglo-French attack of Beijing and he immediately took it to England as a gift to Queen Victoria. Lord John Hay and Sir George Fitzroy also purchased other dogs which helped the Pekingese to move out of China for the first time ever.

Are These Dogs Suitable For Families?

The Pekingese dog breed is quite unique compared to other dog breeds that are suitable for households with larger families. They can be helpful for families with older kids as they don’t like to be handled and are prone to damage themselves. They are stubborn, therefore they may not be the best option for a new dog owner.

They are not what kids would choose as they are playful with family members. Be careful to keep an eye on any interactions with kids if you decide to own one.

Does This Breed Get Along with Other Pets?

The aggressive behavior of Pekingese dogs towards other animals is common. They prefer the company of other dogs of their kind. They need a lot of time to adjust with different breeds and animals.

They regularly bark and chase smaller animals including cats and even bigger dogs. The other animal may at times be too large for this little dog resulting simply in damage. With a single sweep of their claws or paws they might easily cut or scratch their bulging eyeballs.

With proper interaction with other dogs, they may live together in the home with different dog. Due to their breed’s sensitivity to other animals, Pekingese dogs need proper socialization beginning at young ages. They may become a little more flexible if they are exposed to various people, animals, situations and sounds.

Food & Diet Requirements Of Pekingese:

A Pekingese breed can be a little difficult to train on own. It takes a lot of grooming and care to keep these little pups healthy, especially when they are puppies. They need a balanced diet in tiny quantities in the beginning.

Due to the Pekingese dog breed’s tiny stomach capacity, small amounts are required. They may appear to desire more but doing so will just make them feel horrible.

While it’s not delicate or dainty and this breed of dog is subject to gastrointestinal problems. They are also more prone to fat, This is the result of their lack of natural activity.

Similar to other animals, overeating can lead to issues in later life. They could experience problems with their backs as a result of poor weight management. Maintaining precise food intake information can help prevent that.

Exercise Requirements For Pekingese:

The Pekingese breed needs less exercise than bigger dogs. Owners have to keep in mind that they are generally inactive as puppies and adults.

It doesn’t follow that they are never in need of exercise. These dogs need some time to play with toys and run because they are more playful. The greatest plan is to play with them for at least 30 minutes during their walks.

Is There a Need Of Grooming Pekingese:

These tiny dogs need to be groomed regularly as they need daily brushing at least twice daily because of their long and thick coats. If they don’t, you’ll observe more hair falling out resulting in fur that sticks.

With brushing Pekingese dogs also need baths to keep up their best look. If you are unsure how to brush your pet’s fur so you should ask the breeder for full instructions. When visiting a Pekingese for the first time, try to introduce your dog gently.


So Our final thoughts about this breed is that you can own a one if you want loyal dog and if it is your first time then we will not suggest you to own a Pekingese but you can own many breeds like German Shepherd, Pugs, Bull Dog and many more.

But don’t go for Pekingese if you are a beginner as it also needs a lot of exercise and grooming and if you don’t have these experiences then you won’t be able to fulfill your responsibility.

Also Visit: Australian Kelpie Dog Breed Guide

By parth

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